Roteract Germany implements two exciting projects!

SSLDF welcomed 9 members of Roteract Club, Germany for 1 week during the month of November. The aim of the organisation is to work with their hands in providing sustainable long-term solutions to communities around the world. After much discussion prior to their arrival, together SSLDF and Roteract designed two projects:  a canteen at Magbenteh Community Hospital and a playground facility at Magbenteh Community Boarding School.

For SSLDF it was extremely exciting to have the Roteract Club here in Sierra Leone, as the organisation serves as the youth team (individuals aged 18-30) for the Rotary Club. The Rotary Club in Nyon-La Côte, Switzerland has supported the hospital over the past 10 years with various donations including an ambulance.

On arrival at Magbenteh Community Hospital, Mr Harald and the SSLDF Fundraising Team gave a warm welcome to the volunteers, providing a passionate history on the organisation. Wasting no time, the team got to work immediately on their projects: Working alongside members of the community and buying local materials, everyone was able to share and learn new skills and a new culture!

The canteen was constructed using two containers and zig-zag walls in collaboration with the designs of the hospital triage and school facility. In Sierra Leone hospitals do not provide food for patients. Therefore, the purpose of the canteen is to enable family members to purchase food for their patients within the facility, as well as patients and staff. The canteen will also contain a small shop for basic commodities. The local tradesmen and SSLDF workers showed the German volunteers exactly what it’s like to work as labourer’s in Sierra Leone, with true resilience and determination to complete the job by the deadline!

The playground at Magbenteh Community Boarding School was designed by the volunteers upon their arrival in Makeni, after they had visited the market and local store to observe what materials were available. We now have tyre swings, see-saws, a climbing wall and some swings. The team were extremely excited to unveil their completed project after an afternoon of sports!

During their time in Makeni, the volunteers kindly donated an array of medical supplies for the hospital as well as stationary for the school. We are extremely grateful to the entire Roteract team for their support and commitment of our work in Bombali District, and hope they will return again in the near future to continue the fruitful partnership!