Malaria as a preventable cause of infant-mortality

In Sierra Leone, a nationwide campaign of free treated bed nets is currently being carried out to ensure the number of malaria cases is kept as low as possible during this year’s rainy season. We are one of seven countries in sub-Saharan Africa where more than a quarter of the population is infected with malaria at any one time, according to the WHO (2016), with three in ten Sierra Leoneans suffering from the disease. It is the most common cause of illness and death in the country.

A major contributing factor to malaria in Sierra Leone is the living conditions of most the Northern population. Lack of ventilation in houses and a humid temperature in addition to a lack of water management and proper irrigation systems allow are conducive for an environment in which mosquitoes can run rampant.

Magbenteh Community Hospital has just received 160 bed nets for its inpatient wards from the Bombali District Health Medical Team. Each inpatient bed will be allocated a net to ensure complete protection for those admitted.

With malaria accounting for 20% of child mortality in the country, the sensitisation and distribution of bed nets alongside the procurement of vital drugs used to treat the disease, is paramount in Sierra Leone and at Magbenteh Community Hospital.

Our Children’s Ward is particularly feeling the strain of malaria with an increasing number of patients being diagnosed every single day. Last week alone, of the 30 children admitted, 29 of them were treated for severe malaria. Whilst in our Under-Fives clinic, 58 of the 117 children were treated for malaria.

Donate to our Children’s Ward here to ensure more children can be saved from this deadly disease: