The 2019/2020 academic year commenced on Tuesday 18th September 2019 and ended on the 31st March 2020. The short on the academic year was due to the Coronavirus which prevented schools from the third term. There are two hundred and forty (240) students in total, nine (9) teachers, and 2 junior staff (cleaners) Pupils in […]
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Sierra Leone
Surface area: 71, 740 sq. km/
Population: 7,076,641 (2015)/
Capital city: Freetown/
Life expectancy: 49/
Currency: Leone/
Per capita income: US $684 (2015)/
Poverty: 70% live below the poverty line/
Infant mortality: 87.10 (per 1,000 births)/ Human Development Index: 0.413/ Literacy rate 58.7% for males and 37.7% for females/
President: Ernest Koroma/
Languages: English, Krio, Temne and Mende/
Religions: Islam and Christianity/
Agriculture: cocoa beans, diamonds, aluminium and titanium ores/
Politics: Sierra Leone is a constitutional republic with a directly elected President and a unicameral legislature.