Meet a Member of our Staff

Meet a Member of our Staff

Meet the Pediatric Ward nurse in charge Mariama Hemore. Mariama is a state registered nurse (SRN) and State Enrolled Community Health Nurse (SECHN) with 12 years of experience in her field; she is in charge of the Pediatric ward in Magbenteh Community Hospital. Inside the pediatric ward, Mariama deals, on daily basis, with cases of severe […]

SSLDF Founder Activities

SSLDF Founder Activities

SSLDF founder, Mr. Harald Pfeiffer annual visit began in January of this year he has been staying in Magbenteh for the last 6 months. During this time, Mr. Pfeiffer focused on strengthening the hospital staff’s morals during the tough times of COVID 19. He also helped support the managerial process.  Due to the low attendance […]

Crowdfunding Humanitarian: Mireia Villen Llexia

Crowdfunding Humanitarian: Mireia Villen Llexia

Ms. Mireia worked in Sierra leone in 2015, as an Ebola scientist for public health England, then she volunteered at Magbenteh Community Hospital as a laboratory consultant. Her work gave her visibility to the devastating mortality rate in children and pregnant women which she never forgets. “I do remember very well the way people live […]

COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Updates

As of June 15, 2020. A total of 1,176 confirmed cases are affected by the COVID-19 Virus resulting in 51 deaths. The total recovered cases stand at 683 people. Recent evidence however shows that spread of the COVID-19 is adversely affecting access to and utilization of essential health services. Routine data from Health Management Information […]