The Seventh Day Adventist School is located in Makeni. This is a complex institution comprising of a nursery, primary and secondary levels of education.
Nursery School Opened in September 2010 with just 6 children attending. The nursery has now grown to 55 children with Madam Mabel Gbla as Head Teacher.
Primary School Established in September 1978 with 77 students, the school has a current attendance today of 645 students. The first Head Teacher was the late Mr Tailor. The school was blessed with a hand pump water well and a modern latrine from The Rotary Club -Nyon – La Côte in 2010.
Secondary School This was established in January 2016 with the assistance of Mr Harald, who helped complete a mud structure built by the parents. Between 2015 and 2016 a modern building comprising of three classrooms and one staff room sponsored by Helfende Hände; Helping Hands from Germany. Three further classrooms were constructed in 2017 and opened in 2018.