SSLDF founder, Mr. Harald Pfeiffer annual visit began in January of this year he has been staying in Magbenteh for the last 6 months.
During this time, Mr. Pfeiffer focused on strengthening the hospital staff’s morals during the tough times of COVID 19. He also helped support the managerial process. Due to the low attendance of patients, the hospital closed both Male and Female wards while ANC, OPD, Maternity, and Pediatric wards remain open for patients.

In order to reduce the stress of the economic crisis and out of his humanitarian duty to his community; Mr. Pfeiffer organized an urgent private donation to the MCH staff. A generous donation of rice was received from Mr. Remy Hirschi, a longtime friend of SSLDF, and distributed on the staff to be able to feed their families.

Mr. Harald also poured his attention on Magbenteh Community Boarding School which closed under the COVID-19 circumstances but remains active supporting the students learning process and their well-being.
In March, a crowdfunding campaign by partners Sakoma Spain and former Volunteer Clara Abella raised enough sum to provide the children with a provision in order to maintain a healthy life during the period of lockdowns in the country, Makeni, a rural city, was affected by the scarcity of goods since the inter-district passages were blocked to avoid further virus spread. Mr. Pfeiffer met with the families and distributed 50 Kg bags of rice for each student and teachers.

On the other side, the funded new operating theatre project has started and Mr. Pfeiffer supervised the works thoroughly. The operating theatre will be ready to use by the end of the year and will include many upgrades from the current theatre